Crypto-Magique - Advanced Alternative Private Internet :

The problems:
existing internet limitations and hazards
denial of service attacks, website filtering and censorship
super imposed central authority
information can be altered and read en route
man in the middle attacks and internet spy and crime infrastructure
internet registry applications and ISP business limitations
Client/website and server risk and security hazards
communication and utilities infrastructure collapse
internet kill switch and other vulnerabilities
news, media and communication monopolies, control, fascist media and election interference
news bias, distortion, suppression, omission, lies and propaganda, anti freedom of speech

The solutions: Advanced Alternative Private Internet
freedom of speech and freedom after speech, not monopoly mass media by globalist maniacs
secure communications infrastructure - Canadian Shield rock solid granite like
own part of the network with secure DNS - private ownership, what a great idea...
built in security and auto-configuration - dedicated to you
securely remove or build decentralized parallel systems - extremely robust and deployable
expanded ISP business, capabilities and cooperative associations - very rare, but standard here...
amplified with the remote browser ultimate solution - why browse with a spy and crime?
guarantee confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of data - link encryption
can’t be altered or read en route, no headers, no deep packet
a node’s unique IPv6 address is the fingerprint of its key
man in the middle attacks are not possible - one to one is much better, right?
the IP of the host has nothing to do with the identity of the host
use multiple IPs on multiple ports or no IP protocol - direct peer to peer...
nodes have self generating addresses and keys - this means real independence
distributed hash table for extremely efficient routing logistics - really fast...
non-hierarchical network scalability, greater direct node proximity - like neurons in the brain...
fast and automatic verifiable form of source routing - genius at work
deniability and anonymity in anonymous file sharing - censorship resistant
multiple identities, encryption key certificate management, encrypted email and more
transitional internet to an independent and secure system - how lucky can we get?
land line, wireless, multiple terrestrial and space platforms enabled and something much more...
build and expand existing and proven technology projects - relevant, practical and realistic
resources allocation and growing network - pro active personal and enterprise responsibility...
fixed, mobile and remote deployable platforms and locations - we know you want it all, or most of it...
lower costs, more savings and enhanced revenue - save, spend or reinvest the difference...
personal, corporate and national intel asset protection and privacy - naturally the whole idea...
You can choose to render other things obsolete! You don't need to be an Aquarius...
Direct and amplify money, resources and technical genius - that is normal, traditional and smart eh!?
Problems are temporary in nature if we deal with them...
Invest, donate, contribute, develop, acquire, deploy for security, savings and revenues.
The Arsenal of Democracy requires strategic, operational and tactical advantage...
way beyond file sharing - the advanced alternative private internet and VPN - virtual private internet

digital alpha-numeric is only a fraction of the beginning

Crypto-Magique Inc. and As-Garde Machine and Mecatronics Inc.
The Advanced Alternative Private Internet

Battlegroup 301 Incorporated - National Communication Network Program
A National, Civil, Industrial, Economic, Enterprise and Personal Defence Program

download this file: CMI_AAPI.pdf

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