Crypto-Magique Inc. - Remote Browser Program

The problems:
More than 90% of malware is introduced through the browser!
To use the software browser on your computer is to enable malware!
95% of new viruses delivered by FTP remain undetected for 20 days even with current anti-virus software!
Over 40 million malicious URL are being tracked now!
Over 90% of recorded attacks are delivered by these malicious URLs! Big time crime eh?
Nearly 25% of all malware is delivered by a simple URL!
Traditional client browsers provide a direct line to foreigners, criminals, spies, saboteurs and competitors!
Social websites compromise personal, employee and business security quickly and easily.
Cell phones, tablets and wifi can be hacked, programmed, infiltrated, activated remotely, spy on and report on everything you do, transfer data, listen in on conversations and more.
Small and medium size enterprises are targeted for business, technology, client and financial info, in addition to causing damage, financial loss, strategic intel theft, reputation, infrastructure vulnerabilities and more. This is extreme risk for any business.
Cyber warfare is warfare, cyber criminals are criminals. The enemy never sleeps. The enemy is smart, dedicated, motivated and is equipped with resources. The enemy has no morals or conscience. The enemy also has a weakness...

The solutions:
The remote browser solution is the ultimate solution.
The actual website is completely isolated from the client.
Client and server operates in ‘sandboxes’, a great place to play!
The browser is outside your firewall.
Browser attack vectors are totally eliminated, poof!
The remote browser isolates malicious code.
Zero exposure to the clients’ computer systems.
Zero hacking and no malicious code downloads.
A dedicated streamlined and secure remote browser system.
Web browser resources are centralized and free up client resources.
Sessions can be continued from one or another system where you left off.
Windows, Mac and Android enabled.
Intrusion detection, encryption, malicious code scanning and total control of communications enabled.
Explore options to buy, lease, co-op, access, profit sharing and business options.
Discover self financing, annual & no annual fee, low cost, great value and peace of mind!!
Sign on, get equipped, get involved, make everything else obsolete!
Order the Remote Browser Program

This is not fear based, doom and gloom or panic button comments. We acknowledge facts, problems and present effective and relevant solutions. Problems are temporary in nature if they are dealt with. Accurate and reliable intel, practical options, control of resources and the power to choose, makes good things possible.

Remote Browser Program : CMI_RBP.pdf

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